KSAN deltar på NordAN/ Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network:s nätverksmöte den 4 maj

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman deltar och representerar KSAN/ WOCAD som är medlemsorganisation och sammankallande för Kvinnosektionen hos NordAN.

NordAN Network on Narcotic Drugs

Zoom meeting, May 4 , 13:00- 15.00.

Possibility to join the new NordAN Network on Narcotic Drugs

There are things happening in the field of narcotic drug policy all around the world. As countries are having problems with the increasing availability of drugs and high drug-related death countries are trying to find new solutions to the problems.

The solutions affect the Nordic and Baltic countries whether they are legalizing or in other ways trying to liberalize drugs or if they try new solutions to decrease availability and demand and develop treatment and health care.

It is time to join ourselves as NordAN members in a network where we can exchange experiences from our own countries and learn from other initiatives whether it is good or bad. From that, we then can make progress in the field of narcotic drug policy.

We offer our members to join the new NordAN Network on Narcotic Drugs. Two times per year we digitally discuss these matters together and then at the NordAN-conference we say hi to each other over a cup of coffee.

The first network occasion is May 4 from 13.00-15.00 Zoom. Every organization are free to participate with many participants.

Please register HERE.

NordAN/ Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network

nordan logo

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman