Flick/kvinnoperspektivet lyft på NordAN:s Årsmöte 2021

KSAN är medlemsorganisation i NordAN/ Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network.

På NordAN:s årsmöte den 19 november 2021 förelåg ett förslag på en resolution ”NordAN resolution 2021 – Effective alcohol policies are hampered by industry interference” som KSAN:s representant Britt Fredenman föreslog ett tillägg till med innehåll att resolutionen ska inkludera flick och kvinnoperspektivet. Tillägget godkändes och resolutionen kompletterades med flickors och kvinnors särskilda sårbarhet och ökande hälsorisk orsakad av industriernas aggressiva och riktade marknadsföring av beroendeframkallande substanser.

”As a result of the industries’ aggressive and targeted marketing, girls and women of all ages are particularly vulnerable.”

För mer information, läs hela resolutionen här:
NordAN resolution 2021 – Effective alcohol policies are hampered by industry interference.

På årsmötet lyfte KSAN:s representant Britt Fredenman att NordAN:s kvinnosektion i år firar sitt 15-årsjubileum. KSAN har varit med och startat kvinnosektionen 2006.

KSAN hade också en programpunkt under årets NordANkonferens:
”How to resist aggressive and targeted marketing of addictive substances aimed at girls. “The Pink Monster” – interactive methods for gender-specific drug prevention”
Britt Fredenman, Operational Developer, WOCAD/Women’s Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues (Sweden).

NordAN conference 2021 – Interfering factors in alcohol policy.

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman

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Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman

NordAN:s konferens 20 november

Just nu från konferensen, idag föreläser Britt Fredenman med presentationen "How to resist aggressive and targeted marketing of addictive substances aimed at girls. “The Pink Monster” – interactive methods for gender-specific drug prevention."

NordAN Women´s section har i år sitt 15-årsjubileum!

NordAN conference 2021 – Interfering factors in alcohol policy. November 19-20.

Konferensen har många viktiga och angelägna presentationer angående störande faktorer i alkoholpolicy.

Plenary 5
How to manage the interferences from plenaries 1, 2 and 3? Advocacy best practices. Moderated by Stig Erik Sørheim.
Florence Berteletti, Secretary-General, Eurocare
– Is Big Alcohol so different from Big Tobacco? Lessons learnt from a tobacco control expert
Patti Rundall, Baby Milk Action IBFAN UK
– Learning from Baby milk.

Plenary 6
Alcohol and COVID-19. What have we learned from this period?

What can we conclude from three studies on alcohol and COVID-19?
– Research Professor Pia Mäkelä, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Panel discussion moderated by dr Peter Allebeck.
Marja Pakarinen, EHYT Executive Director (Finland)
Viljam Borissenko, The Public Foundation of Hope (Estonia)
Emil Juslin, IOGT-NTO (Sweden)
Mindaugas Štelemėkas, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)
Aðalsteinn Gunnarsson, IOGT Iceland (Iceland)
Christian Bjerre, Blue Cross Denmark (Denmark)
Marit Barene, Rusfri Oppvekst (Norway)

Plenary 7
Britt Fredenman, Operational Developer, WOCAD/Women’s Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues (Sweden)
-How to resist aggressive and targeted marketing of addictive substances aimed at girls. “The Pink Monster” – interactive methods for gender-specific drug prevention
Nijole Gostautaite Midttun, Lithuanian tobacco and alcohol control coalition, president
– What´s the situation in Lithuanian alcohol policy?
Dr Eeva Ollila, Senior Medical Officer at the Cancer Society of Finland
– Alcohol and cancer – link that is still unknown to many.

NordAN/ Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network, program och presentationer

Rosa Monstret

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman

NordAN:s konferens 19 november

Just nu från konferensen, många viktiga och angelägna presentationer angående störande faktorer i alkoholpolicy.

Britt Fredenman representerar KSAN och NordAN Women´s section under tvådagarskonferensen och håller imorgon föreläsningen
-How to resist aggressive and targeted marketing of addictive substances aimed at girls. “The Pink Monster” – interactive methods for gender-specific drug prevention.

NordAN Women´s section har i år sitt 15-årsjubileum!

NordAN conference 2021 – Interfering factors in alcohol policy. November 19.

Linas Slušnys, MP of the Republic of Lithuania (2020-2024), member of the Committee on Health Affairs and the head of the Mental Health Subcommittee.
Professor Peter Allebeck, NordAN President.
Nijole Gostautaite Midttun, Lithuanian tobacco and alcohol control coalition, President.
Helén Nilsson, Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania, Director.

The conflict between political ideologies and evidence-based policies. Moderated by Peter Allebeck.

Dr Ilona Tamutiene, Doctor of Social Sciences (Sociology), Professor at the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas, Lithuania).
– Global Hegemonic Discourses in Development of Alcohol Policies. Case of Lithuania

Nils Garnes, Policy Officer in IOGT in Norway.
– Oljefondets alkoholproblem-campaign in Norway

Dr Aurelijus Veryga, Member of Lithuanian Parliament, former Health Minister.
– The conflict between political ideologies and evidence-based policies

The interfering role of the alcohol industry.Moderated by Peter Moilanen.

Professor Mark Petticrew, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
– The alcohol industry’s contribution to public health: misinformation, disinformation and bad science

Emil Juslin, European Policy Officer, IOGT-NTO.
– Yard Sales in Swedish – The Trojan Horse of the Alcohol Industry

Troubles caused by bad data and bad science. Moderated by Mindaugas Štelemėkas.

Mariann Skar, former Secretary-General, Eurocare.
– Why do we need good data and what are the problems with the data we have?

Lauri Beekmann, Executive director, NordAN.
– Confusion over Estonia´s per capita consumption data

Professor Jürgen Rehm, Senior Scientist, Institute for Mental Health Policy Research and Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
– Is unrecorded consumption really a major impediment for implementation of effective alcohol policies?

Plenary 4
The opioid crisis in Nordic and Baltic countries. Moderated by Nijole Gostautaite Midttun.

Peter Moilanen, Head of The Swedish Drug Policy Centre, NPC (Sweden).
Stig Erik Sørheim, head of the International Department of Actis (Norway).
Dr. Robertas Badaras, board member of Lithuanian tobacco and alcohol control coalition (Lithuania).

Program and presentations

NordAN/ Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network

Rosa Monstret

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman

KSAN föreläser på NordAN:s konferens "Interfering factors in alcohol policy" den 20 november

KSAN är sedan 2001 medlemsorganisation på NordAN.

NordAN konferens 2021: Interfering factors in alcohol policy.

KSAN programpunkt:
How to resist aggressive and targeted marketing of addictive substances aimed at girls.
“The Pink Monster” – interactive methods for gender-specific drug prevention.
Britt Fredenman, Operational Developer, WOCAD/Women’s Organisations Committee on Alcohol and Drug Issues (Sweden)
Föreläsningen äger rum via Zoom.

Program NordAN konferens 2021

I år fyller Kvinnosektionen 15 år och det kommer också att uppmärksammas på årets konferens.

Bakgrund och historik om Kvinnosektionen:
KSAN är medlem i Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network sedan 2001. NordAN är ett nätverk av ca 90 organisationer i Norden och Baltikum som bl.a. arbetar med förebyggande arbete, drogpolitik och opinionsbildning. KSAN har tillsammans med den finska paraplyorganisationen Women Together Against Addictions motionerat om upprättandet av en kvinnosektion inom NordAN. Motionen bifölls vid årsmötet 2006 och sedan 2007 samordnar KSAN kvinnosektionen och kvinnoseminariet på NordAN-konferensen. KSAN var dess moderator. Vid årsmötet 2016 i Oslo firades Kvinnosektionens 10-årsjubileum.

Rosa Monstret

Verksamhetsutvecklare Britt Fredenman